Sunday, July 24, 2005

peek and boo discuss existentialism

Somewhere in this land. Mid afternoon. In a field of spelt. Two enter and lie down facing the sun.

Peek: That was a nice drink.

Boo: Yes, but I could use a couple more.

Peek: I like drinking, I like the banter. At the inn we are all one.

Boo: You think so?

Peek: Yes, all us humans are one.

Boo: I think we are not one. I think we are many.

Peek: Do you not think we are all together on this planet?

Boo: No, we are not together. We are alone, we go through life on our own.

Peek: Alone? Do you not think we are united as fellow countrymen?

Boo: What this country means I do not know. When it comes to putting food in my belly and beer in my gut no flag or anthem ever helped.

Peek: But do we not share similarities? Are we not all the same?

Boo: I am not the same, I am unique, I am Boo.

Peek: Yes, you are Boo but are you not part of the greater sameness of mankind?

Boo: There is little kind about men maybe that is how they are the same. Nonetheless I still remain Boo.

Peek: But surely we have the same concerns, we resonate to the same sounds.

Boo: There is no sound, there is only silence.

Peek: Isn't there music to life? Are we not the notes that make up the music of life.

Boo: No, music is the silence between the notes, without the silence there would be just continuous noise. We are the silence between the notes.

Peek: But without the notes there would be continuous silence, that is not music either.

Boo: A bit of silence would be music to my ears! Let's go.

Peek: Yes, let's go.

Two get up, brush off their clothes and exit.

For more information ...
I ♥ Huckabees
peek and boo discuss writing
peek and boo discuss god
peek and boo discuss power


Anonymous said...

You link to Wikipedia a lot. Do you contribute anything to this brilliant resource?

am said...

I don't contribute much to it. It is pretty good and anyone can edit/update it. This does however mean you have to be careful about the information on it.