Thursday, May 11, 2006


(credit: neat whiteface, glen "frosty" little by jim howle)
What is it about men that they only realize at the end of their life that it was all for naught and the 'smaller things' not the 'bigger things' were what life was really all about?

Whether it is Ivan Ilyich realizing in his final few moments that his whole life and its conventionality has 'been wrong'. Or Dorian Gray realizing that his vanity was not worth the price of his sins and then dying as a result of his final attempt at reform. Or Charles Foster Kane who in spite of his success and acquisitiveness dies without love and with only the word 'rosebud' on his lips, a final remembrance of his childhood.

Why do we realize what is important near the end? Why are we distracted? Do women suffer the same neglect of life itself?

Is it because man is still a conqueror who wants to go out into the world and leave his mark and does so at the expense of what is close to home? Is it because he needs to focus on been a provider and provides the wealth of the world but not time or the love? Or is it because he simply does not stop and think about what is important?

Why do we wait until the end, to begin? Why are we such fools?

For more information ...
the death of ivan ilyich
the picture of dorian gray
citizen kane


Mr. Big said...

Some of us know whats important in life, even without waiting for our final in my final minutes I'll probably be involved in some sort of stupid misadventure anyway!

fivespice said...

because we are human, we are not perfect and because life gets in the way. as the great john lennon "life happens whilst you're making other plans" or something like that.