Sunday, December 04, 2005

paradise lost - paradise regained II

For some early life is marked by outward movements. We move out of our family, out of our communities, out of our inherited political positions and out of our religious dogmas. Propelled by an impulse to seek, we search for more and yet feel nostalgic for what we left behind. We feel impulses to return, to go back and to recreate what we had but 'you can never go home'.

We may reassess these outward movements and wonder if what we stretch for will always remain just out of reach. Some may stretch even further whilst we will dig deep within ourselves to connect with family, community and belief. We are still moving forward and evolving but the propulsion is from within rather than without. This inward transformative movement is not about nostalgically going back, it is about becoming. 'Human is not to be but to become'.

We turn away from the attractive distant glimmer of the sun and toward what was always close at hand. We never lost what we now regain and it was not paradise but simply the earth beneath our feet and ourself within under our skin.

For more information...
paradise lost - paradise regained I

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