Peek: It has got to mean something hasn't it?
Boo: Life, it means nothing.
Peek: But do you not think of the man upstairs and what he means?
Boo: Not often ... but too often.
Peek: And do you not think it means something because of him and what will come after?
Boo: What will come after?
Peek: I don't know, something nice and cozy maybe?
Boo: Well then, it can mean that for you.
Peek: What do you mean?
Boo: You can make it mean what you want it to. For me, I make it mean nothing.
Peek: Watch out, here she comes, the widow's daughter.
Boo: Where?
Peek: Behind you .... hello, Seeke.
Enter Seeke in foreground and Hyde in background.
Seeke: Hello Peek, hello Boo.
Boo: Hello Seeke.

Boo: I'm fine, I have a glass of wine in hand and a friend to talk to, what more could a man want?
Seeke: A woman to hug.
Boo: The right woman who would hug back, to be sure.
Seeke: And at the right time to!
Boo: Would the time be right?
Seeke raises a wine glass and looks into it, thinking.
Seeke: The time might be right.
Boo: I will see you outside then?
Seeke: Yes, but who will escort Hyde home?
Boo: I am sure Peek will, where is she?
Seeke: Over by the fireplace, shy as always.
Peek: I will show the lady Hyde home, now you two begone!
A whispered aside to Boo.
So it means nothing then?
A whispered aside to Peek.
Boo: It means nothing but perhaps I will try to make it mean something.
Two get up and exit.
For more information ...
peek and boo discuss thought and action
peek and boo discuss existentialism
peek and boo discuss writing
peek and boo discuss god
peek and boo discuss power
Peek a bo, hide and seek, who's next?
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