Saturday, March 04, 2006

cast a cold eye

The essence of stoicism is not (contrary to popular perception) about denial of emotions. Stoicism acknowledges that there are things within our control and things outside of our control. It acknowledges that thought can precede feelings and therefore that we can be the master of, rather than a slave to our emotions.

Stoicism is a difficult philosophy to live by, it can lead to a Spartan existence where the joys of life are not fully experienced but I find myself continually attracted by it. Although thankful of a recent work promotion I find myself not getting too excited by it as I understand that like all in this life, this too is transient.

I don't believe Yeats was a stoic yet when it came to his final words, he left us with a simple if not complete encapsulation of it.

For more information ...


Mr. Big said...

I think you are not too excited about your promotion due to the lack of respect certain punk coworkers continue to have for you...maybe you should flex you managerial muscles, call some people out....I know! Make some people cry....I am sure that will help you get more excited about your new role!!

am said...

Hey Staff!

Mr. Big said...

You made me cry!

am said...

Hey, I think MrBig shed's crocodile tears!

C said...

Congrats on your promotion

raindog71 said...


am said...

I will get sick if anyone else congratulates me.

Life is short and brutal with brief moments of sublime beauty, then we die.

As I said I can't get too excited about it all.

Mr. Big said...

As always you are a ray of sunshine!

I think I'll kick your ass tomorrow so you actually have something to be sour about!

fivespice said...

seems like a very stoic response to me