Tuesday, November 07, 2006

mulberry bush

'Here we go round the mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush,
Here we go round the mulberry bush,
On a cold and frosty morning.'

This children's rhyme most likely began as a chant prisoners sung as they exercised around a mulberry tree in Wakefield prison. The tree (picture above) still stands in the grounds of the prison in the north of England.


Sue said...

Oh man, that is depressing!

am said...

OK, will try to come up with something fun.

jmnsw said...

Hey I earn a good living outa prison, well the folk who work there I liked the post
nice one


Mr. Big said...

dammit he's right...


am said...

I do try to research my posts, generally I don't just blurt and post.