Saturday, December 16, 2006

more monkey than monk

I am far from been an ascetic monk and quietness is not one of my virtues. However, I do often feel drawn to the quite life and the clarity that a silent space would provide.

Buddhists refer to the concept of 'monkey mind' when describing the tendency for our minds to leap from one thought to another. Silence does not stop the 'monkey mind' and the first step is just an awareness of the frenetic pace of our thoughts. A good exercise is to stop thinking for ten seconds and to observe how difficult an exercise this is.

Maybe we need to just stop, to stop moving, stop talking and then stop thinking. Only then we can dwell in a silence we create and from there, who knows?

For more information ...
thinking too much
a different view
art of sandra rose


jmnsw said...

Interesting post, is it really possible to stop thinking or is it more of not thinking about thinking ... now there a conversation starter ... er .. I think

Anonymous said...

A quick google of "stop thinking" reveals lots -,

Plenty of food for thought.

Anonymous said...

Actually, thats a very interesting picture. I challenge anyone to click on it and get the "Big Picture".

The problem with blogs is that the conversation does not continue. You have been the architect of many good talks that have involved just you, me and J in Oz.
Many of your blogs have warranted more attention.

Is there any way we can change this?

am said...

It is very possible to stop thinking, usually I can do it for just seconds at a time, not much more than 3 or 4.

In reference to jer1ch0 comments, gaining a wider readership would take a concerted effort. A good way to do this is to post on other people's blogs and I confess I don't do that much. Time is so elusive at the moment.

Anonymous said...

I've recently - 3 months ago, taken up Taoist Tai Chi.
I've noticed that while practicing it - going thru the moves, your mind almost - 90%, blanks. You don't even think about the moves. They come automatically - well, the first ten or eleven. Then I have to think about move number twelve.

Mr. Big said...

One day you will reach enlightenment like me....

am said...

I can hope to attain your level of enlightenment

jmnsw said...

I did the tai chi thing once and loved it need to get it together again...any links??

Anonymous said...

The type I do is called Taoist Tai Chi, pronounced "Daoist2. Just google for it. Also do a search on You Tube for Tai Chi, although alot of the examples there are not Taoist.

Heres one to get you started.

Anonymous said...

just testing a link

Anonymous said...


From my limited knowledge of HTML:

Not particularly pretty, but works until we figure this out.
I suppose reading Blogger help would be an idea.
Has anyone else noticed changes about here since Google took over Blogger?

Anonymous said...

The above works, but go to Random xcess for an explanation.

Anonymous said...

Sky Tonight

Just checking.