Sunday, February 18, 2007

cynics and sentimentalists

Cynics have lost faith in human sincerity and believe that the sole motivation is self-interest. Sentimentalists have an emotional idealism and are believers in the sincerity of all. Although the cynic and sentimentalist have opposing perspectives they share a common denial of what is possible, both the good and bad.

The reality, of course, is that none of us is wholly cynical or sentimental and there is a place for both at certain times and in certain places. However, I have observed in my travels that cultures and countries can have a predisposition towards one or the other. In my experience, the United Kingdom and Ireland tend towards cynicism, the United States and Canada on the other hand tends towards sentimentalism. Both approaches infuses peoples aspirations, their relationship to fame, their critical sense, their humour and also the mood of a country.

Personally I have found that my 8 years in North America has softened my cynical edge and I am more open because of this. Whilst self-help literature is mostly driven by greed not need (cynical side), I have come across books that people have written with a view to helping others (sentimental side). I do find I am more positive about what individuals can do with their life (sentimental side) but I still retain a degree of healthy skepticism because I understand not everything can be done just because we say so, e.g. winning the war in Iraq (cynical side). I find a lot of British humour, e.g. Little Britain, to be very misanthropic and as time passes I am less amused by it. American humour on the other hand is often just not funny.

As we return to the UK I hope to bring with me a degree of positivism I have learned. Creating a better life is at the heart of every immigrants journey and in the UK that will still be my status. Next post will be from Blighty!

For more information ...
little britain


Scott said...

Alan, I think you know I fall on the sentimentalists side of your last post.

Take as much of that side home with you as you can.

It's true that simply believing won't necessarily create what you desire but believing in the possiblity of the best outcomes will contribute to the creation of great, if different, ones.

Enjoy your trip back home. Thanks for all the advice and dialogue over the past few years. I can't say I'll enjoy reading you as much as I've enjoyed talking and working with you, but your thoughtfulness is well worth spending more of my time online.

....and I'm still working on a haiku entry.

Scott said...


Your digital absence leaves me wondering whether you're mired in new work and re-locating tasks or have rediscovered the glory of UK pubs.

am said...

Hi Scott,

Mired in relocating tasks. LAst week was my first week at work but I was on a course so this week I actually get to sit down and browse a little.

Will drop a line in due course.

How is the standup going?