all your life you have been sleep walking wandering in a dream all your days faking it for real now through the fog you stumble and wake upon an unknown shore feet unsteady and uncomfortable feeling it for real looking around the unfamiliar landscape no landmarks to guide you and then you look down at your feet and wonder
?where have you been?where are you?where will you go?
btw great pic
my writing, not my pic, and I usually credit but don't know where this came from
Was this a kinda random stream of subconscious poetry or something more planned??
Incidentally for you the message seems a little despondent. I usually hog that particular market!
"all your life you have been sleep walking wandering in a dream"
Really, have you?
I enjoy all of your writings. You seem to lean towards the negative, like all tortured mad geniuses, I guess. Not a criticism; but I would be interested to hear some of your more positive wordplay.
I guess it goes back to my glass half empty/glass half full theory.
I took around 10 minutes to write this, not quite a stream of consciouness, it was subject to minor editing.
It kind of reflects how I feel at the moment, a little down.
When I reflect upon past events I often have a sense that I was not fully awake or 'present' for them. In that sense I think perhaps I have been sleep walking. Buddhists would describe it as not 'been in the moment'.
Will try to make the next post more positive. Overall I am not striving for either positivity or negativity but authenticity which can of course means I show a bit of both at different times.
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