Last week I decided to capture the mundane and banal from a typical work day.

I have never developed a strong liking for coffee, but, ahh! a nice cup of tea, is how I start my day ...

... I have been getting up early and writing for one hour before beginning my 40 minute commute ...

... first the bus ...

... at this spot the c-train door will open and I will get on, mine are not the pink toenails ...

... here is PetroCanada Tower, Calgary's #1 terrorist target, I work on the 38th & 39th floors ...

... spot the ubiquitous Starbucks in the foyer, been a tea drinker I never stop there ...

... I just take the elevator and look at the TV to get '
in depth' 20 word headlines...

... stop! you cannot come in unless you say the magic word ...

... go and work hard young man ...

... I walk down the hall to my office ...

... I'm thankful that I have an office even if it is next door to the notorious B.I.G. who adorned my name plate with this cartoon ...

.. of course to IT, I am just a number
'jtb86118' not a name ...

... I try to keep my desk tidy but it gets messy with word docs, excel spreadsheets and visio charts, may be the cartoon is closer the mark than I would care to admit ...

... my phone is invariably flashing messages when I come in, such is life when you work with people around the planet ...

... but I usually take a moment to enjoy the view, the buildings are not pleasant but in the distance I can usually see the snow capped Rockies ...

... why not cut out the
'middle man' and dump the paper straight in the recycling bin ...

... my office is on the 39th floor but I am typically up and down to the 38th floor 5-10 times a day ...

... looking down 39 floors can make me feel dizzy ...

... as can these diagrams, spot the Greek reference? ....

... so now it's time for lunch, today, sushi, tuna, salmon, prawn and California outside roll, all for $6! (4Euros, UKP3, $AUS7) ...

... if I'm stressed I will go and walk a labyrinth in a nearby church, this is a great way to relax, I try to do it slowly, typically it takes me 30 minutes to get to the inside ...

... at then home at the end of the day.
For more information ...
enjoyed seeing your day, your son enjoyed it too! why are office corridors so messy?
Good question, they are messy and I have noted that before as others have.
I find it surprising how a group of 'professionals' can be so messy.
My office tends to be tidy and I keep it this way because I work better in cleaner spaces. It also, in a small way, reflects me and it is important for me to project a professional image, not all of the time but most of the time.
did you check with IT and security to ensure it was safe to upload those pictures?
Yes Charlie P. himself sanctioned them :-)
Starbucks has great tea!
Nice pics bro!
Thanks Mr. Big!
Scissorbill, I wish Starbucks had more than just the TAZO selection, they don't really have the teas I like, no rukeri, no lapsang souchong. Also tea that comes in a bag is like wine in a box, not always bad but most of the time it fails to impress me. Tazo do have a cool website however.
Hey, thanks for posting!
meant to ask ages ago what do u write about??
I have in recent times been trying to move away from the poetry to fiction.
I am currently writing the outline for a story about a kid who emabarks upon a journey to find his father who has gone missing.
It is such tough worjk however trying to sustain the energy that a 100,000 word novel takes.
As I say I am just at the outline stage, 10 of maybe 40-50 scenes outlined.
are u gonna share the poetry or other stuff?.. I have this idea about writing letters like ginsberg, hardy van gogh etc. Well maybe not of as much interest to the public but you know what I mean... or do U?
do u have a guide or can u recommend a guide to writing?
Actually maybe u should reply on my or your latest blog so we can keep up to date
I have posted a couple of poems on here and will likely post a few more.
I ahve not got any big recommendations on writing guides, although I did like Stephen King's 'On writing'
I got to go now but will talk more on this subject later.
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