The more he heard the less he spoke;
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why aren't we all like that wise old bird?
- Edward Hersey Richards
Nature gave us one tongue and two ears so we could hear twice as much as we speak.
- Epictetus
Good listening involves being in the moment and tuning into someone else. I think too much about the future and too much about myself therefore I struggle with listening.
Although flawed, I am reasonably self-aware and have worked at listening. At work during meetings, I play this game where I try to be the last person to speak. In this way I can sit silently and listen. It kills me and yet shows me the idleness of chatter! I also ask myself if what I am about to say will make a difference, most times it will not, so I don't bother saying anything. More and more, I find this to be true.

I would not want to leave you with the impression that I am quiet. I am not and would say I am one of the more vocal in most work groups. I am working at listening and choosing a few key words that express something of import. I find my writing style is far more minimal than my verbal style and conveys better what I mean.
Do you hear me?
Very interesting...and quite true, folks should listen more and speak less.
Most of the time when I'm in meetings, I'm facilitating, so I have to talk. The thing that irks me the most is when I tell someone what is required and they try to "talk" their way out of it. Just once, I would love to scream at them - "Don't you hear what I'm saying? Are you completely daft? Take some responsibility, hold yourself accountable and do your job!" Alas, most of these things are left unsaid, except in my head! ;P
I'm sure there must be a whole world to explore when it comes to the nonsense that happens in meetings.
Maybe in another post!
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