Thursday, June 02, 2005

around the house

Around the house I have been baby proofing. This has primarliy involved putting up baby gates. We got a cheap pressure mounted/hinged gate which was fine for one danger zone. The Supergate III was easy to install and was resonably priced.

We have another area where the gap is greater than 45" so we had to get another gate. The ElongateG60 was too pricey and was a pain to fit, I had to buy a hacksaw and longer bolts to get it to work!

It is very hard from the pictures on the box to determine if the gate will be suitable. Retailers often don't allow you to open the box to get a closer look. My advice is to go to the manufacturers website and download the user guide this will give you an idea about how easy or hard it might be to install.

For more information ...


Anonymous said...

We need one thats about two feet wide and so far have had no luck in locating one.

am said...

You could try making it yourself from scratch. It would be simple to get 2 lengths of wood and screw in some dowels to act as railings. Then just use a hinge on the sides.

I thought of doing this but my only concern was saftey of course.

Anonymous said...

I actually spent some time one day doing this.
Then feeling really proud at my creation, I brought Kaelan out to road test it.
He looked at it for about thirty seconds, went over and just lifted it up and out of his way - I overlooked securing it to the decking. Ha ha.