Wednesday, June 15, 2005

running away

Each of us at sometime want to run away or to escape. As a child it may be to run away from the constraints that adults place on our life. As adults it may be to escape the constraints that western society places on us.

Western society has a well defined pattern of education, marriage, mortgage, kids and retirement. This pattern provides us with much of what we want but also robs us of much of what we are capable. Working 40 hours a week, 48 weeks a year does not provide much time to spend with loved ones or to explore a life with more meaning. Obviously the bills need to be paid and I haven't yet figured out how to survive without food but it seems a little depressing that those concerns dictate so largely the pattern of our lives.

Children who run away from home invariably return to those who can provide for them but as adults do we not think that if we "ran away from western society" we could provide for ourselves? As a child I would be fearful of making my own way outside of my comfort zone but as an adult shouldn't I be able to handle that? Is the life we create for ourselves in western society simply a comfort zone? Is there not a more full experience to be had?

The child runs away to be with the circus, where should we as adults run to?


Anonymous said...

there's a common theme here, Greece, France, running away, are we moving?

am said...

mmmmm, I think I am trying on these ideas to see how they fit.

Anonymous said...

if we "ran away from western society" we could provide for ourselves? As a child I would be fearful of making my own way outside of my comfort zone but as an adult shouldn't I be able to handle that? Is the life we create for ourselves in western society simply a comfort zone? Is there not a more full experience to be had?

The child runs away to be with the circus, where should we as adults run to?

Oh man, surely you've watched "The Wall" Yop cannot run away from it. Yu have to face up to it.
Since Kaelan was born, I have found one of the greatest things to be "The Play Factor". Important note - PLAY. It's great - try it.
It is so easy for adults? to think that we should be living life in such a different way, a more satisifing way, a more fulfilling way.
Where is my fucking life???

I have found that alot of my life is being lived through Kaelans life.

Where is my life? Why, there it is - right in front of me - Carmel, Kaelan, the CT, the latest cd that I bought, staying in touch on the forum.
All of these things make up what your life is - it is up to you to determine how you get on with it.
Try not to concentrate too much on "Your Life".
Write down what IS important to your life - Tomas, Louise, Mum, dad, job, home.
I always find that writing things down is a great way to figure things out.

Louise wrote: there's a common theme here, Greece, France, running away, are we moving?

9:09 AM "

Anonymous said...

thinking about moving back to Europe, not sure if it is just a dream though.

am said...

It is likely that there is much about anyone's life that they are happy with and acceptance of those things seems both reasonable and wise.

However it is likely too that there may be a few things which you're not happy with and it seems resonable and wise to try to change those things.

Life does not just happen to us, it is a series of choice we make.

Writing things down is certainly a way of maturing ideas and concepts, that is one of the resons I started the blog. The other reason is that family and friends are often familiar with the external landscape of our lives (i.e. where we work, our house, etc.) but the internal landscape (i.e. our thoughts, fears and dreams) is often not shared.